
Bitcoin : Can we talk about Nick Szabo?

Bitcoin : Can we talk about Nick Szabo?

The guy’s supposed to be a genius, one of a few ever mentioned by Satoshi, yet he spends his day retweeting conservative pro-trump crap? For example, he just retweeted:

” As a Marine & supporter of law enforcement, it sickens me to see [~~@~~**Nike**](’s ads on my timeline promoting [~~#~~**Kaepernick**](’s self-absorbed “sacrifice”. What an insult to all of the men & women who died in the line of duty & never came home to their families. They sacrificed EVERYTHING. ”


Seriously? Some of you think this guy is Satoshi?

Every sane person I know realizes that deaths like that of Tamir Rice or Philando Castile are far too common and can only be fixed from within our terrible policing system, while simultaneously realizing Nike is no saint for selling this bs while still exploiting foreign sweat shops, they’re no better. Picking sides means you don’t see the big picture. In less kind words, it means you’re an idiot.

I saw that there’s been some discussion of this in the past, with people saying they will judge him for his contributions, not his stance, but with everything we’ve seen from this administration (separating kids from their parents and literally refusing to return them, I can’t even keep track of who is getting arrested when from his cabinet, the whole “drain the swamp” thing where he admitted he was only saying that to rally his audience, this list could go on for god knows how long) it’s like I completely understand ignoring it all, but you’re going to STAND BEHIND IT?

Let’s bring Luke Dashjr into the discussion. I’ve long unfollowed him for his stances on “correct” marriage, abortion, religion in general. As someone who studied Christianity since birth, I can guarantee you that this religion teaches fear. They pretend they teach love, but that’s the superficial. The end goal is to not go to hell no matter what, it is the ultimate fear of a christian, all their decisions are made with this fear in mind.

To me, supporting this administration shows the same type of fear derived from ignorance.

I just wanted to get this all off my chest after seeing one too many idiotic retweets from szabo. I don’t want everyone to shun them or anything, just be aware of what we really want to see from those we’re going to be naming pioneers of this movement

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