
Bitcoin : ebay + paypal at their finest

Bitcoin : ebay + paypal at their finest

I usually don’t sell things on ebay, I prefer sites like craiglist or subito (the italian craiglist), you met the buyer, complete the transaction and “Ciao, Ciao”.

But this time i said *”Ok this item is not so popular, maybe is better increase possibilities to sell it, let’s go on ebay”*, after three days i sold my item for 45€, that became 43,12€ after paypal’s fee, **that became 0 the day after** cause with a new e-mail ebay blocked my funds for 21 days for **unexpected activity.**


I’m not a superfan of bitcoin, i follow the community to keep myself update and stop, but this thing bother me so much, because they (ebay) touched and frozen my money, and remove them from my (virtual) pocket, and nowadays seems that no one care about these things, even our money aren’t **OUR** anymore.


I don’t know if bitcoin will be the future of the money but bitcoin can stop these problems “once and for all”.


Ciao, Ciao

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Bitcoin is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority.
FindCrypto scans the web for the latest Bitcoin news, so you can find all the latest and breaking news in one convenient location.Author: mzzntn

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