
Bitcoin : So, OP_SHIFT/OP_DATASIGVERIFY would be accepted by everyone, but would create unspendable outputs, right?

Bitcoin : So, OP_SHIFT/OP_DATASIGVERIFY would be accepted by everyone, but would create unspendable outputs, right?

So, let’s say it’s November 15 and I make a transaction which contains OP_SHIFT in output for an input that is not yet spend in any chain.

As far as I understand, I need to send it as pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) transaction, since it’s not a standard transaction, right?

Which means that I don’t actually send OP_SHIFT in my transaction, but rather I send a hash of future redeem script, without showing the script itself.

Now, all of ABC / SV / #NOvember / Unlimited / Cobra will accept this transaction to a block (given that input is still not spent on any chain), since it is just a regular acceptable pay-to-script-hash (they don’t see the actual script yet, just the hash).

But now this output is unspendable on ABC, #NOvember and Cobra, since even though the redeem script’s hash matches P2SH hash, but the script itself is incorrect, since it contains OP_SHIFT, right?

And the same goes for OP_DATASIGVERIFY. Everyone accepts this P2SH transaction, but it can not be redeemed on SV, #NOvember and Cobra, since I cannot produce a VALID (from their point of view) redeem script that matches this hash.

Do I understand this correctly?

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Author: fromaratom

Score: 6

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