
Blockchain : Weekly Crypto Recap Sept 1-7

Blockchain : Weekly Crypto Recap Sept 1-7


I had a great time filming the weekly crypto recap from the Blockchain Institute in New Hampshire this week!

Huge thank you to @Zaphoid @ChrisPacia & @TheDesertLynx for joining me in person, & @derrickjme for the awesome location!

We talk about the huge drop of Ether, the bear market and companies like Kraken downsizing, the bch fork, cryptocurrency in Venezuela, and other things that happened in the news this week!

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What is the Blockchain?

A block chain is a transaction database shared by all nodes participating in a system based on the Bitcoin protocol. A full copy of a currency’s block chain contains every transaction ever executed in the currency. With this information, one can find out how much value belonged to each address at any point in history.

Author: naomibrockwell

Score: 5

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