
CryptoCurrency : Put Your Shit Into Cold Storage

CryptoCurrency : Put Your Shit Into Cold Storage

For a long time I messed around and kept some of my coins on exchanges, and times like this would freak me out. I finally got a hardware wallet and my stuff is on there now.

Now when days like today happen, I truly just feel so at ease. I don’t care, truly. My shit is sitting on my wallet, in another house. It never even enters my mind. I feel no urge to sell, no worry, I just let this bear market/month/6 months come and (hopefully) go. I know I’m not selling anytime in the immediate future, and having it just sit in my wallet is the perfect mental breather.

Seriously, I encourage everyone to put your coins you want to hold longterm into cold storage, and just put it somewhere safe that you can’t get to. It does WONDERS for your mental health. Makes you so much more positive about your longterm hold rather than worry about these long dips. I advise you all to do this if you have not already. It will make you much much happier and less worried when these days/weeks/months happen. Good luck to all.

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Author: gregmav1

Score: 11

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