
CryptoCurrency : This is why you are better off holding Elastos, NEO or EOS than Ethereum right now.

CryptoCurrency : This is why you are better off holding Elastos, NEO or EOS than Ethereum right now.

I don’t think it’s dead, but I’d rather invest in platform 2.0 projects (My personal pick is Elastos), which I think will win in the long run and have way more room to grow as their marketcap’s are pennies compared to Ethereum’s massive total valuation.

At the end of the day, Bitcoin is obsolete tech, you cannot argue that there are better versions of BTC. Litecoin for example is a better BTC, with cheaper and quicker transactions. But since BTC is the original public ledger, it will continue to be the gold standard. The transaction speed and costliness are secondary here.

With dApp/smart contract operating environments like Ethereum, its all about the actual usefulness of the platform. If their platform has scalability issues, where a single game with cats bog the entire network, then projects will choose to build somewhere else, it’s not rocket science. Projects already built on top of Ethereum do not have loyalty to stay on this platform… if Elastos or NEO or EOS offer a better platform which allows their dApps to run better, than they will move to the better platform. It’s really as simple as that. Unfortunately, the first mover advantage doesn’t really work out in Ethereum’s favor here.

** oh and it also doesn’t help that EOS held a year long ICO where they raised 4 Billion USD in Ethereum that they are constantly dumping for funding and to devalue ETH, plus every shitcoin under the sun is also strapped for cash and liquidating ETH at a heavy discount to stay afloat. Holding ETH now just doesn’t seem very wise. **

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Author: c0ltieb0y

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