
Ethereum : 【Ethereum game Bear Escape】 Unparalleled winning chance, largest prize pool! Shortcut to 10,000 ETH within 72 hrs

Ethereum update: 【Ethereum game Bear Escape】 Unparalleled winning chance, largest prize pool! Shortcut to 10,000 ETH within 72 hrs

1. **About Bear Escape**

[Bear Escape]( is a decentralized game on Ethereum network.

Legend has it… that there is ETH treasure hidden on the Bear Island. Treasure hunters from around the world have sought after the treasure.

Each participant purchases key for entry in the game, only the key holder selected by smart contract is the survivor of the bear market who gets to make his way out of the bear island with blessings.

[Largest prize pot of 10,000 ETH](

2. **Project updates**

Team Sirius who developed Bear Escape has been conducting intense internal tests on the game and tweaking the website for improvements in playing experience.

We are targeting Mid Sep for official launch of the game! Join our community now to for the extra [**early bird bonus**](!


3. **Start your adventure NOW!**

a. Setup Metamask on your computer or TrustWallet on your mobile phone;

b. Purchase keys with ETH in Metamask/ TrustWallet wallet;

c. When all keys are sold out of one round, a winner will be drawn by the smart contract who will get 100% prize pool.  And the next round will start automatically.

4. **Make instant real cryptocurrency earnings, shortcut to huge fortune**

a. 100% of the prize pot goes to the jackpot winner, rewards that vary from 1 ETH, 10 ETH, 100 ETH to 10,000 ETH are available immediately!

[Four prize pots named after 4 most influential crypto figuers](

b. Extra rewards from referring Bear Escape to your friends, 10% of their transaction in the game will be credited to you!

c. Enjoy another 50% of your referral rewards by joining our community as an early bird at [Bear Escape Discord Community](

[popup for the winner](

5. **Ethereum smart contract that ensures complete decentralisation, transparency and fairness of the game**


6. **How to take advantage of the referral rewards?**

You can rer yourself to Bear Escape for a 10% discount when purchasing your keys! The game DOES NOT require an existing player to enjoy the referral rewards.


**Bear Escape game was created with community in mind, join us now at** [**Discord Community**]( **Visit us at** [****]( **to lock your grand prize!**

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: menowyou2

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