Ethereum update: Can we store the ABI inside the contract itself?
Today I was thinking about the possibility of storing an ABI inside a standardized contract method like “getAbi” that just returns a string representation of a JSON document containing the contract’s ABI.
Another possibility is creating a standard event that is emitted upon contract creation something like “CreatedContractAbi” which again stores the JSON abi inside a variable string type. This could provide gas savings to contract developers, although it would be a slightly less obvious way of obtaining the ABI.
Thoughts? Has this been discussed before? It’s a little unfortunate that right now we’re left to rely on centralized sources for obtaining ABIs.
About Ethereum
Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.
Author: evbots
Score: 3
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