
Ethereum : Can’t send any transactions, please help!

Ethereum update: Can’t send any transactions, please help!

So I’m a bit of a goof, screwed up and sent two transactions for the near same amount, and didn’t realize I didn’t have enough ETH to pay for both transactions. I have attempted to cancel the transaction by using MyEtherWallet and using the same Nonce (270), by sending 0 ETH to the same contract, which promptly disappeared but still somehow shows up in my [Metamask?]( Here is my [Etherscan](, and the specific [transaction]( that is stuck due to insufficient funds. Any and all help is appreciated, I’m seriously at a lose and can’t buy any more ETH for a hot minute

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: PokyHickory

Score: 4

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