
Ethereum : Ethereum Mist Client – Multisig Contract (Wallet) – Can not send Ether to account

Ethereum update: Ethereum Mist Client – Multisig Contract (Wallet) – Can not send Ether to account


I’m runninng the latest version of the Mist client and have sync mode “light” activated.

When I try to import my contract wallet, nothing happens when I click on “Create”.

I also tryed to use []( and followed these steps []( but I still can not send Ether from my Multisig Wallet to my account.

It always creates a SingleTransaction and never asks for confirmation (my daily limit is 0,1 Ether and I need 2 confirmations when I want to send more than 0,1 Ether). Any suggestions?

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: neonoxGER

Score: 2

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