
Ethereum : Had some hardware issues/failures I worked a couple hours to resolve today. After getting that rig all back up and running smoothly, I reviewed the hashrates for each card. Check this shit out.

Ethereum update: Had some hardware issues/failures I worked a couple hours to resolve today. After getting that rig all back up and running smoothly, I reviewed the hashrates for each card. Check this shit out.

Check out the speeds on GPU1. This is an EVGA 1060 6GB btw. Both my local on server monitoring and remote monitoring show the same ‘insanely ridiculous no fucking way’ speed. I’m waiting for my mining stats to update so I can see if it’s actually submitting shares at this rate. There is no way this is accurate and has to be a bug. If it is accurate tho, I’m bout to boost up some 1060’s through the roof.

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: ddesla2

Score: 1

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