
Ethereum : I was away when my PC crashed, now my hashrate is in the dumpster

Ethereum update: I was away when my PC crashed, now my hashrate is in the dumpster

Does anybody have an idea what happened? I only have 2 RX580’s and I got them to maybe 28 MH/s and they were running without problems now for a few weeks. Recently I left for a few days and the PC must’ve crashed during that time, after restarting my PC and turning claymore back on my hashrates or down to ~15 MH/s. I checked the drivers and overclocking is still the same and I don’t think that a reboot could reset the BIOS mod and besides the hashrate is now lower than what I got as stock hashrate. Did my cards burn out or something? They were only up to 75°C at most.

Update: Reverting back to an older version of Windows 10 fixed it, numbers are back to normal thanks to you guys

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Wihtedeka

Score: 0

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