
Ethereum : Low hashrate on xfx rx480

Ethereum update: Low hashrate on xfx rx480

I’m running a xfx rx480 8gb on windows 7 with 18.5.1 drivers along with claymore’s v11.8 but I’m only seeing a hashrate of 15 Mh/s and that is with a memory clock of 2245 (through afterburner).

I’ve also attempted to modify the bios using Polaris Bios Editor but every time I write the modified bios to the card it no longer functions. I assume the signature that it’s writing to the bios isn’t valid? (I see this message pop up when I launch Polaris saying that I need to disable secure boot in the bios. Which it is as I have the Windows 8 options turned off.)

Any help and guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: 49Miner

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