
Ethereum : Minted One 1st weekly update !!

Ethereum update: Minted One 1st weekly update !!

Last week I posted the Minted.One ( project here :[here]( ). It is a platform to help everyone to create their own cryptographic coins easily and securely on existing blockchains. It has been almost a week since then and I would like to update our progress so far:

– we have created a telegram chat – only 10 people so far, be the first ones to join!!) Invitation link on our website

– we updated our website and create sign up for beta testing (almost 50 beta sign ups already)

– we made a [twitter account](

– we finalized our UX designs! And we will be showing more of it very soon !!

– our devs are on track to launch the beta middle of this month

– created our own reddit sub account r/MintedOne/, though no subscribers yet!


Could I please hear your thoughts on how you would use your own coins ?

Thanks for your time, and please check out our project if you haven’t:

View at

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: datzuc_chini

Score: 0

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