
Ethereum : Plasma snapp – fully verified plasma chain

Ethereum update: Plasma snapp – fully verified plasma chain



## TL;DR

The following specification outlines a new plasma version which utilizes snarks to prove its integrity and validity. Via an interlinking between exit requests and deposits with the correctness proof of a block – the snark -, we are able to specify an implementation without any need for exit challenge games and confirmation signatures. Unfortunately, the concept of exit queues is still needed and users need to be online to receive payments.

Removing the exit games and confirmation signatures allow us to remove much of the complexity of plasma, which is currently hindering the implementation of more sophisticated protocols beyond simple token-transfers. This proposed version will facilitate to integrate more protocols into plasma by making the snarks itself handling these protocol advancements.

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: bcn1075

Score: 6

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