
Ethereum : Solo Mining ETH – Hash Requirement?

Ethereum update: Solo Mining ETH – Hash Requirement?

Hi guys,

So Eth’s net hash is 281,779.37 GH/s, or 281,779,370,000,000 H/s (based on Etherscan last 12 hours).

I found some old-ish info that says you’ll need 1/2880, or 97,840,059,027.777 H/s (~98 Gh/s) to average 1 block / 12 hours.

This is equal to about 3,300 GTX 1070s or RX580s running @ 31 M/s.

Is this calculation accurate?

Edit: If anyone solo mines ETH I would love to nitpick your brain.

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Goldhawke

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