
Ethereum : UPDATE: I’m living through the Crisis in Venezuela and I’m using crypto to survive. Ask Me Anything!

Ethereum update: UPDATE: I’m living through the Crisis in Venezuela and I’m using crypto to survive. Ask Me Anything!

My previous thread: [here](

About a month ago I was doing some of my first post here in reddit, offering an AMA’S about the situation in Venezuela and how I have survived thanks to cryptocurrencies.
Thanks to that post I received a lot of help from the community of ETHEREUM and BITCOIN CASH.

I was able to buy food for myself, for my family and some friends.

Throughout the month, I was explaining how cryptocurrencies work and how their use could help to survive in the middle of the crisis

At the suggestion of some redditors, they recommended that I seek some option to leave the country legally to save my life and that of my family.

On this occasion, I am again offering an AMA’S about the situation in Venezuela and how, through cryptocurrencies, they can help me to leave Venezuela and save my life.

If you wish write for PM it’s ok.

Thanks everyone.



BTC: 1N9jbbniVaDhDK5KLDvfr9vhjQNrqsLEaH

Bitcoin Cash:


View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: arnaldovid

Score: 63

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