
Bitcoin : According to Core, “BTC is the real Bitcoin” because “previous versions sync the chain.” Therefore, any hardfork to fix the inflation / crashbug is no longer BTC, by their own argument.

Bitcoin : According to Core, “BTC is the real Bitcoin” because “previous versions sync the chain.” Therefore, any hardfork to fix the inflation / crashbug is no longer BTC, by their own argument.

For a year now I’ve been hearing the same argument repeated over and over: BTC is the real Bitcoin and BCH isn’t, because previous/historical versions of Bitcoin Core sync to the BTC chain.

Alas, this means that if BTC implements a hardfork to fix their inflation/crashbug, then the previous versions will no longer sync to the BTC chain, and by its own argument, BTC will no longer be “Bitcoin.”

They must address with soft-fork, or lose any claim to being “the real Bitcoin.”

Also, we should point out that for years we have been told “the code is the spec.” Therefore, the “inflation/crashbug” **isn’t a bug at all — it’s the SPEC.**


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Author: jessquit

Score: 54

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