
Bitcoin : Bitcoin Network Status Update Friday, September 14, 2018

Bitcoin : Bitcoin Network Status Update Friday, September 14, 2018

###Status of the Bitcoin network as of Friday, September 14, 2018 at 12:00:02 EST:

**Total bitcoins:** 17,267,471.044981

**Height:** 541,404

**Difficulty:** 7,019,199,231,177.172852

######Statistics for the past 24 hours:

**Number of blocks mined:** 137

**Total bitcoins output (amount sent):** 841,860.345609

**Total fees:** 20.361530

**Average time until block found:** 10 minutes, 30 seconds

**Estimated hashrate:** 47,802,901,187.466591 gh/s

**Current price:** US$6,480.00

*Data provided by []( Price data provided by [](*


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