
Bitcoin : Building the first bitcoin citadel

Bitcoin : Building the first bitcoin citadel

Fuck this shit, everyone is fucking nuts there is no way you aren’t all going to start bloody murdering and torturing each other once bitcoin becomes extremely valuable. Oh and I would also watch out for the future jobless with families, they never bought bitcoin and hold mortgages the size of their anger. Fuck underground, if you go underground and some pissed off motherfuker finds your front door you entrap yourself, maybe good if an asteroid hits. Therefore, I am declaring the first bitcoin fuckin super fortress that will house 100 foot high walls with all the various mounted ac130 guns on turret bays with m134 mini guns hidden in every crevasse within a 50 kilometre radius. Also it will look like Atlantis with the circular rings and shit + be flood AND ice proof, AND a huge hadron collider all around it in certain radius so you don’t get cucked by weird shit you know. because, fuck u that’s why.

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Bitcoin is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority.
FindCrypto scans the web for the latest Bitcoin news, so you can find all the latest and breaking news in one convenient location.Author: Incognitoralph

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