
Bitcoin : Core censoring me for speaking out against their terrible code review process (in regard to the recent inflation exploit)

Bitcoin : Core censoring me for speaking out against their terrible code review process (in regard to the recent inflation exploit)

It’s become a badge of honor at this point to be banned from the Bitcoin sub. It’s proof that you have a brain of your own. Anyone who questions the Core praising narrative is hastily ejected from the room.

In this thread, I posted a couple of comments that highlight how ridiculous what happened was, and that questioning Core is the right thing to do, and I was banned within 10 minutes of making my comments. They’re obviously in damage control and closely monitoring threads like this one. The comments in there criticizing this article are disgusting cult-think nonsense, and so I felt compelled to stand up for the article author.

For the record, I don’t hold BCH OR BTC. I do hold alts, and I did hold BTC on its way up to its peak before I sold. If anything I’m someone who was more biased toward BTC than anything, but now I’m really starting to see the appeal in BCH. It’s clear that the BTC camp is unhinged and have lost their way.

Here are the comments I made (both of which were already upvoted significantly by the time they were deleted), you be the judge:

> Awesome article. Looks like this thread is already getting brigaded by Core fanboys without any semblance of logic. It’s correct to question the turn of events and Core’s behavior, and to just blindly and ignorantly support them is cringe, to say the least. You people do realize you all owe this Bitcoin Cash developer massively, right? If it weren’t for him, Bitcoin would be worth pennies right now. There better be some follow up from this, or I’m never buying Bitcoin again.

And a comment in reply to /u/Cobra-Bitcoin’s comment:

> You’re 100% correct. It’s amazing to me that the community is fighting against people saying things like this, what has Bitcoin become? Have all of the smart people left the room? Sure feels that way. Either the people/person who approved this change (and the submitter themselves) is incredibly slack and reckless, or this was a purposeful effort to backdoor the code base for a later date. You’d think validation could would be the code that is the MOST reviewed in a PR. If this is the standard of review process then I’m sure there are equally damaging bugs still floating around in the Bitcoin Core base now. The comments and code on the PR are suspicious to say the least. If there are no repercussions or at the very least post mortem following this then I’m afraid Bitcoin is as good as dead and this experiment has failed. I sure hope they’re combing over the code base now looking for more mistakes like this one, before someone else finds them and isn’t so kind as to report it without shorting the market and exploiting it first.

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Author: gazzathecunt

Score: 17

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