
Bitcoin : Got banned from /r/bitcoin after just one comment

Bitcoin : Got banned from /r/bitcoin after just one comment

Have posted just 1 message on /r/bitcoin and was banned with the reason “altcoin shill”.

My comment was a response to the sticked comment on

>[–]EpithetMonikerredditor for 1 week 1 point 4 days ago*
>It obviously doesn’t count if he post it as an “experiment” where he basically tells the mods to not delete this just to prove Roger Ver wrong.
>Edit: Also just noticed that you are a mod, are you kidding me?

It has been deleted. I was just pointing out basic logic, I didn’t think /u/gonzobon would actually abuse his powers and censor me. The “altcoin shill” reason doesn’t even make sense, I wasn’t shilling anything at all.

Ceddit link (looks like ceddit redirects to now but it’s the same thing):

(same link)

Guess you don’t really understand how bad things are on /r/bitcoin until it happens to you.

View the link


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Author: EpithetMoniker

Score: 58

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