
Bitcoin : I just had a underwhelming userexperience ordering at through Bitpay and Handcash

Bitcoin : I just had a underwhelming userexperience ordering at through Bitpay and Handcash

At first i had 80€ in my wallet and after ordering my meal (26.30€) to celebrate BCH anniversary i sent 30€ to my Handcash app to pay the Bitpay invoice. Scannning the invoice the Handcash app got stuck in the payment screen. It didn’t freeze but also didn’t pay. So i tried paying with the wallet. It also refused to pay the Bitpay invoice because i only had unconfirmed UTXOs left and Bitpay does not allow to use unconfirmed inputs. This was probably the same problem with the Handcash app although it had no error message for the user.

I had to wait for one BCH block before a payment was possible and the invoice was ticking down while i prayed for the next block. Also i wanted to showcase how fast and easy BCH is. This procedure was neither fast or easy.

Who was holding me back here? Bitpay?

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Author: St_K

Score: 6

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