
Bitcoin : Lost “Base32 Private key” for 2-factor authentication but not “Private key” for my Wex account (BTC-e) – how do I use “Private key” instead?

Bitcoin : Lost “Base32 Private key” for 2-factor authentication but not “Private key” for my Wex account (BTC-e) – how do I use “Private key” instead?


When you copy down the keys for Google Authenticator you get something like this:

>Creating a key
>Private key:
>Base32 Private key:

Private key is 64 characters long. Base32 is 52, not including the equals sign on the end. The QR code contains the Base 32 key only.

The Base32 key is not a simple Base 32 encryption of the Private key as you’d find here: []( That’s where I am left confused.

How can I generate 2-factor codes using the Private Key instead of the Base32 Private key?


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