
Bitcoin : My take on the BSV / ABC controversy: it feels manufactured

Bitcoin : My take on the BSV / ABC controversy: it feels manufactured

On the one hand you have nChain who wants a 128MB BSL and some new opcodes that may or may not be useful someday. But since the network has shown that it can’t build blocks >22MB at this time, and since there’s no organic demand to build even 32MB blocks, the 128MB BSL is *extremely* unlikely to cause a persistent split. So BSV’s contentiousness that will cause a permanent split literally just comes down to a **pair of opcodes.**

On the other hand you have ABC that wants to push in CTOR by November, even though Graphene doesn’t need it now, and even though ABC hasn’t even implemented Graphene. Their stated rationale is the possibiity of future multi-machine “sharding” **even though they aren’t even effectively multitheading yet.**

So it’s a pair of opcodes on one side versus a highly premature optimization on the other side. This is contention for the sake of contention.

This feels to me very much like a “good cop / bad cop” routine or an attempt to deliberately create a three-way split in BCH.

The entire rush and rationale from both teams feels entirely unjustified at this time. If this were to be a deliberate attempt from both sides to work against the middle it could hardly be better organized.

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Author: jessquit

Score: 224

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