
Bitcoin : Plausible deniability account issues with Ledger Live Nano S hardware wallet. Very concerning.

Bitcoin : Plausible deniability account issues with Ledger Live Nano S hardware wallet. Very concerning.

Sorry guys, this is not another meme about price and speculation on where bitcoin’s price is gonna be tomorrow. This is about a device, a hardware wallet, that we have trusted for years and potentially has a big flaw that everyone should be aware of. This is about Ledger Nano S.

So I just installed Ledger Live (I used to use Chome app) and saw that my balances with Plausible Deniability account (which has an additional passphrase associated with it and a different pin code to access it on device) synced with the Live account even though I entered the pin for my default account. This is a VERY CONCERNING issue if you think about a couple of things:

What’s the freaking point of plausible deniability if someone can see all my balances by connecting my Ledger device to a computer and using a default pin code?
Also, now I’m concerned about how my plausible deniability account is protected since I didn’t even have to enter my pin for that account or the extra passphrase that I was supposed to enter to access the funds. How is this secure? This blows all my confidence on Ledger out of water.
Does anyone know if Trezor has this issue as well? I am seriously considering Trezor after this fiasco by Ledger.
I have posted this on /r/ledgerwallet as well and hopefully someone will get back to me with a good explanation.

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