
Bitcoin : Satoshi Knows Best and CSW is an asshole.

Bitcoin : Satoshi Knows Best and CSW is an asshole.


Lets find some common ground here that we can all agree on.

Satoshi was wise. Can we all agree on that?

Can we agree CSW is an asshole? even guys like me who like him for being the underdog can’t deny it. That should not matter and here is why.

Satoshi created something amazing, and Satoshi knew things about math, phycology, economics, hacking, computer science and gaming theory. Can we agree on that?

Satoshi created this wonderful balance of incentives to create a system where honesty paid better than malice intent.

Satoshi had certain op codes programed into bitcoin. Those op codes were disabled. Alternatives to Satoshi’s op codes have been put forth for adoption. There is a live debate about what codes best serve whom. Some think new op codes are a great idea and for that we need to alter Satoshi’s plan. Others think Faketoshi (CSW) is trying to hijack the project.


The truth is that none of this matters.

To this idea I ask one question: Don’t you think out of all the people in this space with ideas, isn’t Satoshi’s original idea clearly the best option based on the fact that only Satoshi has ever put together a new system of money based on the combination of many disciplines?

**Only Satoshi has the credibility and track record to be trusted.** CSW does not have that trust or track record so long as he can not or will not prove he is Satoshi.

The love/hate relationship between many of you and Craig Wright is on my mind. We are loosing track of the goals due to personal emotions we have that are triggered by either loving him for being the underdog or hating him for his brash personality.

Doesn’t Satoshi know best? And hasn’t Satoshi already spoken?

We have the code presented by Satoshi, we know the op codes Satoshi wanted.

Love or hate CSW, believe he is Satoshi or not we don’t need to guess what Satoshi wanted. It is written in code clear as day. The white paper is clear, the code is clear.

I just wanted to say that we don’t need to believe that CSW is Satoshi or hate him for making the claim to get in the way of knowing what Satoshi wanted.

So lets agree that Satoshi knows best, and lets get bitcoin (BCH) back to what it was before it was altered as our primary goal. Once it is back to the original version I think it’s wise to lock down that protocol so everyone knows the level playing field has been established. At that point we call “game on”.

From that point anyone can do what ever they want. But getting back to the original set of op codes is clearly the best idea. Not because that is my idea, **but because it was Satoshi’s idea**. I think if we were to trust anyone it should be Satoshi himself. Regardless of who you do or do not think Satoshi is. (and maybe it is a her/group)

Don’t let the personality of CSW or Roger Ver or anyone get in the way of you realizing that you already know what Satoshi wanted. Lets get back to what Satoshi envisioned, and lets trust the one person who has a track record of amazing incentive schemes.

Lets trust Satoshi on this one, Lets get the code back to how Satoshi wanted it. Not how CSW wants it, or how Roger or Calvin wants it. Lets focus only on Satoshi and lets get back to the original set of op codes. Lock them in, and move forward on a level playing field from there. Game on.

Satoshi has spoken, and we don’t need to opinions of anyone else to guide our choices. It doesn’t matter if CSW is fake or not. Just reduce all the other noise and ask yourself what would Satoshi do???

You don’t have to guess because it is already been written by Satoshi himself.

Forget the personality wars, lets just trust Satoshi on this one.

If CSW is fake he will fail. There is no way for anything but the best to win this race. That’s the whole point. But don’t let the hate for him misaligned your thoughts. Just because CSW wants something Satoshi wanted doesn’t make him Satoshi. Just because he wants it, and he is an ass hole, it doesn’t make it wrong. We just all hate to see an asshole be right.


So many of you are triggered by CSW that it wouldn’t matter what he said you would hate it.


Regardless of where you stand on CSW, do you trust Satoshi???


Lets trust Satoshi on this one and get the code to where it was on day one. Then we yell “game on” and we all start on a level playing field to build on top of stable code. From that point you can build whatever you want.








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Author: Jdamb

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