
Bitcoin : Script from the Kaiser report yesterday with Saifedean Ammous (Author:The Bitcoin Standard)

Bitcoin : Script from the Kaiser report yesterday with Saifedean Ammous (Author:The Bitcoin Standard)

See the interview here – [](

**Max Keiser: (12:13)**

The use case for Bitcoin is What? and one of the things that is very important to understand is that this is money that can be controlled completely outside of government and that’s a huge break in the history of money and is vastly important, can you just speak on that to begin with.

**Saifedean: (12:33)**

I think a common problem that people have with Bitcoin, as somebody put it to me is that Bitcoin has been mis-evangelized, people have marketed **Bitcoin as a cheaper better Paypal** or a **cheaper better VISA or Mastercard** and I think that is a **complete category error**. It is completely missing the point of what Bitcoin is and why Bitcoin is important.

**Bitcoin is not meant to be a consumer payment network**

**Bitcoin will have consumer payment networks installed ontop of it** , Bitcoin is more like a reserve asset or more like **Base money that is used for the settlement of consumer payments**.


Are authors these days completely oblivious of the [Bitcoin whitepaper]( before they write books???


View the link


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Author: cryptoglia

Score: 26

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