
Bitcoin : SPV is part of the Bitcoin spec yet none of the “full implementations” offer a robust SPV wallet

Bitcoin : SPV is part of the Bitcoin spec yet none of the “full implementations” offer a robust SPV wallet

After 9 years it seems to me that SPV remains one of the least developed areas of our coin.

This is likely because existing SPV implementations “just work” and nobody ever has any problems with them. But most wallets aren’t even “true SPV” (AFAIK only Breadwallet implements SPV).

It would be nice to see an SPV client that took its job more seriously — and since SPV is part of the Bitcoin spec, I think one of the full implementation teams should fully develop an SPV client as a “reference” for SPV. In particular I’d like to see an SPV client that

1. Crawls & connects to many peers and reports on the state of the network
2. Can detect forks among peers and stops transacting / reports existence of fork to user
3. Can monitor for doublespends by querying peers
4. etc

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Author: jessquit

Score: 100

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