
Bitcoin : WTF is wrong with everyone?

Bitcoin : WTF is wrong with everyone?

There is very obvious division AGAIN in Bitcoin Cash community, but I see repeat of same faked “user consensus” that is attempted to be used to make the direction of BCH go certain way, and looks like people didn;t learn a damn thing from fucked up “user consensus” that was used to prevent scaling of Bitcoin system in that shitty BTC store of nothing crap.

Why the fuck are you falling for the same shit again?

I see clear 2 sides in “debate”

The side that is against nChain and Craig Wright, is always purposfully using personal attacks against Craig Wright, while Craig Wright is trying to explain why Bitcoin ABC’s IDEA is not good and why it changes the protocol of Bitcoin system in BCH.. and he is correct.. the protocol would be changed if Bitcoin ABC’s client would be used.

Don’t you people get it?

Bitcoin is defined in the white paper, it works in certain way for a reason, it is made hard to change for a reason, it is not a science project for some business or bankers trying to change the protocol to suit their agenda… get fucking over it!

Bitcoin protocol needs to be brought back to its original state and locked in… no more fucking changes.. there are OP_Codes already which will allow for things to be built on top of it, if Bitmain or anyone else wants to do some project that benefits them and that would require change of the base protocol, fuck that shit… that is exactly how Bitcoin gets fucked up… that is exactly how Bitcoin Core fucked up BTC.

Don[t be so naive and shortsighted.

So the fuck what if blocks are not full now? So the fuck what if usage is low?

The whole point of increasing the block size limit and in future upgrade to be completely removed, is to fool proof the protocol so that no one can fuck it up again! That is the whole point.

Do you really want to go this route again thinking “we will increase it later when usage increases”? This is again leaving exact same vulnerability that existed in BTC, which is now trying to be avoided in BCH… don’t be so fucking short sighted!



Personalities don’t fucking matter… If Craig Wright is not Satoshi, so the fuck that? If he wants to fool proof BCH so that it can scale well into the future and no one can sabotage it again… using the protocol that is PROVEN to be working… then this is the best outcome as unless you only give a shit about your profits and getting rich, this is what you should get behind… THE IDEA and stop attacking personalities… this is what Blockstream and their rotten minions are doing… if you are doing the same thing, you are no better then them.

End of my rant, anyone who wants to continue to keep attacking personalities, you can go and get fucked.

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Author: —Ed—

Score: 106

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