
Blockchain : Blockchain for Peace – Decentralized Donations for Indigenous Communities in Canada

Blockchain : Blockchain for Peace – Decentralized Donations for Indigenous Communities in Canada

Hey everyone,

BlockX Labs – a Toronto based blockchain startup has partnered up with Dignitas International to spearhead an entirely pro-bono project to raise funds using Ether for their Indigenous Health Partners Initiative.

This initiative provides health services to remote Indigenous communities in Canada!

We are hoping to raise 10k to help fund this project, so any amount of donations are most welcome 🙂

For those interested and living in Toronto, Ontario — we’re hosting an event on September 21st, 2018 that will explore how Blockchain can help promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals!

Tickets are free but limited.

Dignitas International is a small charity and doesn’t have a ton of marketing power so any help sharing this would be wonderful.

For more info, visit:

Happy to answer any questions 🙂

View the link

What is the Blockchain?

A block chain is a transaction database shared by all nodes participating in a system based on the Bitcoin protocol. A full copy of a currency’s block chain contains every transaction ever executed in the currency. With this information, one can find out how much value belonged to each address at any point in history.

Author: angelslittlediabla

Score: 1

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