
CryptoCurrency : Bank just confiscated my last $18k. I’m a broken man; I lost everything. But I am thankful for the ephemeral glimmer of hope that cryptocurrency brought to my life.

CryptoCurrency : Bank just confiscated my last $18k. I’m a broken man; I lost everything. But I am thankful for the ephemeral glimmer of hope that cryptocurrency brought to my life.

tl;dr of tl;dr

**- OP went from ~$3k in 2014 to $750k 2017 to literally 0 as of 30th August 2018.**

**- The banks have – quite literally – changed my balance from $16,000 to 0. For what reason I cannot quite fathom.**


– OP struggled with major depression entire life.

– Slaved away part-time as young adult. Put a $3k loan + life savings in BTC in 2014.

– Forgot about BTC till 2017. Was about to end it – and then checked prices.

– Got up to $750k by October but didn’t cash out (much).

– Relapsed with bad gambling and substance use over 2018

– Made pathetic last attempt to use remaining $18k to get clean, start fresh.

– Finds out bank somehow has the power to erase/close accounts with no explanation. Emotions go from furious to completely resigned and apathetic. If it’s the last thing I do hope this post helps to expose the appalling “system” we still live in; one that is often devoid of any semblance of humanity.


Why am I writing this? As much as I’d like to claim it’s for noble or virtuous intent, really it’s just cos I’m bawling my eyes out right now and have no one left to tell my joke of a life to. I feel someone out there who’s struggling, however, will find value in it and that’s all that matters. I’ve provided some screenshots if anyone is skeptical.

I’ve had some great times on Reddit, r/crypto and related subs. Other times I’ve hated it. But I can honestly say that Reddit has been one of the few places I’ve found solace in. I sincerely hope every one of you eventually makes it – no matter what your definition of success and fulfillment is. <3


I never fit in. I was never ‘normal’, as much as I wished I was. I never realised I was truly different, though, until I received a late diagnosis for ADHD, depression and anxiety in my adult life. But the damage had been done. I have a wonderful family, but there is only so long one can push oneself through daily life without an external support network before one reaches breaking point.

I came across Bitcoin in 2014 and was immediately in love with it. All else aside, I believed with 100% conviction that it would be the global reserve currency. I took out a loan and put a total of maybe $6k in (~$3k loan, ~$3k savings). Long story short: I forgot about it till 2017 mostly because I was struggling with other issues and had told myself to pretend my BTC didn’t exist for another 8 years. Then one night early last year, I found out I’d have to repeat another year of uni (for the 4th time) thanks to my brain’s inability to concentrate and I just lost it. I couldn’t bear to tell my family who’d done everything for me that, despite my best efforts, I’d embarrassed myself – and them – yet again. And personally, I couldn’t spend another second in that institutional prison (that’s how it feels to me).

That same night I was halfway through a pack of k-pins and in my altered state I started recounting if I’d ever “achieved” anything in my life – personal, academic. Financial. Immediately, the memory of my old BTC wallet which I’d nearly forgotten about came flashing back. Fuck it. Might as well give it a look. I nearly had a heart attack. It had done about 5x! This was more money than I’d ever seen having worked minimal wage hospitality jobs. Incredible

From that day onwards, something changed. I felt alive for the first time in… well, forever. I lied to my parents and told them I was attending class; I’d really be at the local library or Starbucks on my laptop, on Bittrex and later Binance. Every day I’d get myself into a routine, go to the gym, do something productive, then research and learn as much as possible about crypto. From BTC I was lucky enough to catch the ETH wave, then a few alt pumps (notably OMG and WTC). It was unbelievable. I went from about $25k to $750k at my ATH.. all over a few months!!!!!!! Fucking insane; the stuff dreams are made of.

[It was too good to last.​](

I actually started to become more social and felt more confident, like I was actually a real person in society. Looking back though, I admit it was probably similar to being high for 10 months straight. I’m also not proud to admit that it got to my head. I thought this was only the start of a life filled with millions that I was destined for, after years of struggling and working my ass off at shitty jobs. Little did I suspect that this was as good as it was ever going to get.

The bear market that ensued wasn’t a sudden realisation for me. Rather, it appeared in my greed-infected brain as never-ending cycles of “buy the dip, be a multi-millionaire in 6 months”. Slowly but surely, reality crept in. And then I panicked. Really fucking badly.

Remember how I mentioned I had mental issues growing up? I thought crypto had “fixed” me, but I was only setting myself up for the darkest period of my life. Crypto was all I had for over half a year. I’d literally lost interest in everything else. So when the very real prospect of losing EVERYTHING dawned on me I felt absolutely sick. What did I do? …. I tried to win back profits playing crypto casinos. Initially, I got lucky, but you don’t need to be a genius to conclude that this luck didn’t last long. I absolutely deserve every single loss. My mental state is a real issue and no one will ever fucking convince me otherwise – but it is NEVER an excuse for reckless behaviour. Please, please keep that in mind if you have problems of your own.

Recall that my parents still think I’m at uni. They are still so proud of their son who’s “almost” a self-made millionaire from crypto. I need help, but they can’t know anything. So I decided to take out the last $16-$18k from my account and pay in cash for the help and support I need. Figured it was easier to explain a cash loan to a friend, rather than statements about mental health support.

This is the point where the story really takes a turn for the worst. When you think you’ve hit rock bottom, think again – because, my friend, you’ve probably got another 300 ft to fall. **I was told when I entered the bank today that I would get my money with NO issues.** I just needed to sign a form and provide ID. I gave them my ID. It wasn’t the correct type. Fair enough, I’ll go get my driver’s license. Oh shit, it’s expired *will try to refrain from making an ADHD-related comment here*. I go home and grab every document I can find – passport, birth certificate, etc.

At this point, the staff at the bank are giving me strange looks and treating me as if I’m a criminal. I’m asked where I got the money and I tell them it’s from a crypto exchange called BTCmarkets. Next, I’m told that some “phone calls” need to be made to verify the withdrawal (and I wasn’t told this before..?) I’m pressured to tell them what I’m using the money for. “None of your business,” I reply… Oh wow, you really are a fucking idiot. I’ve immediately realised what a stupid response this is. The lady “assisting me” gives me a death stare. I panic – “um, I need it to uh, pay back some contract workers. Urgently.” Fucking lol. Incredible how I can be made to feel paralaysed with anxiety going about my daily business.

I’m held at the bank for about 2 hours and treated like a criminal for about 110 minutes of that time, and why? **For trying to withdraw MY. OWN. HARD-EARNED. MONEY.** I get frustrated. I raise my voice marginally and tell them **I need the money because I have patiently waited for 1.5 hours and and have an appointment to be at (which is the TRUTH)**. I ended up missing my appointment completely and they have $50 cancellation fees to top it off!! Go me!

Anyway, I’m told that if I continue to use an “aggressive tone” security will be called. I’m in disbelief. Like actually in shock. Being an ethnic minority in a Western country I’m more than accustomed to casual discrimination, but I’ve never had much emotion to it until today. I was trying so hard to suppress my anger that I was SHAKING. I am being treated like a criminal in my OWN country for trying to withdraw THE MONEY THAT I LEGALLY OWN AND HAVE PROVIDED CONCRETE EVIDENCE FOR.

This merry-go-round farce went on for so long that the bank actually hit closing time. I left being told to try again tomorrow and that they may contact me if they hear back verifying that the funds aren’t illegally obtained (….what the hell??!!).

**Now I leave the best part for the end.** An hour later I check my bank account, and they **erased my balance and locked my account. I literally cannot afford to buy dinner or fill up my tank. I’ve lost everything. Not only did they kick me while I was down, spit on me and twist the knife; they didn’t even have the respect to give me a heads up that “oh yeah, we altered the ledger of ownership so currently your net worth is 0.** I almost had to walk home as I had no cash and my tank was at its last bar.

Ironically, this is actually a beautiful ending; **these appalling practices by the banks are what first enticed me to put all my savings in crypto.** I have actually come full cycle, made a lot of money, and lost it all. Somehow, I can see the funny side in that. But I have no idea how I’m meant to handle this last blow.

I can’t ask my parents for help or the truth will unravel. They deserve so much better. And I’m not even mad at the bank anymore to be honest, not even frustrated. I’m Just bloody tired… So so tired. At some strange level, I have now found inner contentedness. Take care of yourself and the ones who love you. Crypto shouldn’t be about the money so much as what it represents: liberty, respect, fairness, and the hope of a better future. That’s why I took the plunge four years ago.

**If I make it long enough to answer questions here, I will. I honestly don’t think I’ll be around longer than another 24 hours though.*

**I was actually meant to get a final $2-3k come through tonight after liquidating my last few ETH. But the bank has COMPLETELY shut my account, so God knows whose hands that money’s in now.*

[1. Asking for a written letter to tell me they won’t give me my money and was sent this. N.b. I had already showed evidence of my withdrawal history before receiving this email. For invoice, they say they won’t even consider giving me my money unless I provide an invoice on where exactly every cent of this money is going.](

[2. No, this is not photoshop. This is the balance I was greeted with when I checked my phone after leaving the bank. They didn’t even have the humanity to leave me something to buy dinner with. Prior to this, I had a 2nd account attached which had about $16,000 just an hour earlier.](

[3. This is the hard evidence I provided them with to prove that I am the owner of my own money. It was rejected. My emails are being ignored and I have no idea what happens to my money (if I’m ever told).](

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Author: tinderlegend

Score: 31

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