
CryptoCurrency : Crypto is dead, long live crypto!

CryptoCurrency : Crypto is dead, long live crypto!

**Everything surrounding us is made of cycles**

Nature, politics, economies, cryptocurrencies, all have their cycles. Everybody knows the phrase “history repeats itself”. The most important difference between crypto and the rest of them is the fast evolution of its cycles.
Let me explain this. Technology is evolving at an exponential rate: hardware is cheaper than ever, software is smarter and more powerful than ever, and everything is improving at crazy speed. This means we are transitioning to a world of speed, where everything happens faster, and those (technologies, institutions, companies) who are slow will be left out.

It’s already happening, you just need to look around: Yahoo couldn’t keep up with Google or Amazon, automobile companies are rapidly changing towards electric or hybrid cars, most companies are moving their business to the cloud. All these transitions are faster than ever, even for traditional, conservative industries like the car manufacturing.

If all the mature industries are affected by this era of speed, imagine what happens to new, innovative industries (like crypto). They are becoming a roller coaster of emotions for everyone involved and are a trader’s heaven or nightmare, depending on his experience and open-mindedness. The evolution cycles that are healthy and normal in every aspect of our lives are happening at crazy speed. For example, in economy, a short debt cycle takes about 10 years, and a long debt cycles takes a few decades.

**Crypto market is still very emotional**

Meanwhile, crypto is only 10 years old, and we already had our shares of cycles, lasting from a few months to 1-2 years. Given the uniqueness of crypto concepts (we don’t have anything similar to compare it with), the huge speculation on it and the less experienced average traders, we are experiencing these short and aggressive cycles, with a lot of volatility. But this is all ok, people don’t know how to react to something never seen before, and it takes time for a market to consolidate and mature.

Prices are influenced by news and announcements (even fake news are doing damages), but progress is being made constantly.

**But the projects’ development is growing**

Developers are more excited than ever and this cycle will soon end, when nobody will expect it to end, and a new one will begin. And when this happens, lots of underrated projects will rise to their full potential. Just to name a few favorites: Zilliqa, LOCI. These projects have strong teams, are delivering products and have huge potential to grow as they are currently undervalued.

So keep being optimistic, we still have a long way ahead of us.

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Author: manasser

Score: 59

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