
CryptoCurrency : Exclusive interview with CoinEx CEO Haipo Yang: People should keep the mindset of investing when entering the industry

CryptoCurrency : Exclusive interview with CoinEx CEO Haipo Yang: People should keep the mindset of investing when entering the industry

Question 1: We can see the blockchain market in China has been divided into diverse communities. What’s your opinion on whom has the biggest saying in the community? Like miners or users?

Haipo Yang: You were just mentioning(about)miners or users without taking the developers into account. On the macro level, obviously developers have the biggest saying in the whole Cryptocurrency community. Whether for BCH, BTC, ETH or other Tokens, the project’s shareholders or developers are playing the dominant role. Even though we’ve been advocating for decentralization and community autonomy, here is still a long way to go. In fact, it isn’t fulfilled yet.

Especially for BTC, developers have huge influence and power and which they would try to stop the block size being increased. Compared to Bitcoin community, It won’t make a difference whether we’re talking about the developers, users or miners, they’d rather show a more open attitude for decentralization. Take Bitcoin Cash for example, there are 5 groups of developers working for a same project That’s also a good way to avoid centralization within the group.

The same goes with miners of BCH. In my perspective, BCH can most likely realize decentralization.

Question 2: You’re also a founder of CoinEx. Why don’t you carry on the brand of Viabtc instead of creating a new one?

Haipo Yang: To tell the truth, I’m a true believer of Bitcoin when we first established ViaBTC.I firmly believe that one day, btc will become the universal currency. When the time comes, market capitalization of bitcoin will land on a tremendous level. We hope that BTC could be treated and accepted as the inheritance of value, that’s why we started in the first place. Via Bitcoin, Making The World A Better Place.

As the market developing more mature, BTC won’t be the only one to lead the market. Its market capital has dropped approximately from 95% to 40%, more cryptocurrency are rising up.. Take a look at the whole market, structures of cryptocurrency are getting more diversification. Except from cryptocurrency, there are more Token, ICO and credits. As a matter of fact, BTC can’t represents the whole market anymore.

Secondly, the Bitcoin, its chain has gone off the track from Satoshi’s vision, or let’s say it has deviated the ideal spirit originated from the inoriginal White Paper. In a nutshell,Short conclusion here, I don’t think it’s pertinent to carry on with the ViaBTC as the name of digital currency exchange. We hope it’s something bigger.than that.

We truly hope we can make some changes for the world through the blockchain. We want to make a great company, that’s also my dream. Reflecting on the crypto industry, you can see lots of people have losted or abandoned their original intention after they make their first golden bucket.. I wish when people getting to know about the industry, they’d better hold the mindset of investing. I’d suggest them to evaluate the risks and make a proper plan for a long-term investment, potential market risks are extremely high, we can’t ignore that.

“To speculate philosophically”, that’s what’s everyone talking about today hot. For most users,I believe a good way to avoid being trapped or shuffled for in their investments, is to invest on the stable coins with the most potential value, invest on those coins you understands and keep it as a long-term investment, that’s my advice.

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