
CryptoCurrency : Hi r/CryptoCurrency! We made an app that provides live prices, portfolio tracking with reports and realtime price alerts and we would like to know what you all think! AUA!

CryptoCurrency : Hi r/CryptoCurrency! We made an app that provides live prices, portfolio tracking with reports and realtime price alerts and we would like to know what you all think! AUA!

We want to make an app that complements crypto enthusiasts no matter you are a casual trader or one that watches prices every minute of the day. Recently we added a **big update** to our app — a portfolio tracker and we want it to be the best it can be.

It is available as an open beta and all you need to do is to set your language to English when you launch the app.

Some features so far:

* Realtime portfolio with live ROI calculation, rates and charts

* Price conversion from any coin to any fiat/coin

* Customizable price alerts for any price pair you want

* Twitter and Reddit integration for every coin

* Over 20 languages supported (Portfolio is only in English as it’s still in open beta)

We love feedback and would like to hear from you all. We are open to suggestions and we would love your participation so please feel free to ask us questions here or join us in the channels below and let us know what you think!

You can check out the app here: [Google Play](

* Website:
(Telegram & Discord etc where you can also directly chat with us can be found on the website)

*Just a little sneak peek (as thanks for reading): We’re currently working on Exchange imports!*

**TL;DR** We made an app. Please try it out (it’s free!) and let us know what you think!

View the link


The official source for CryptoCurrency News, Discussion & Analysis.
Author: cryptopriceiq

Score: 0

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