
CryptoCurrency : [Serious] Jimmy says Blockchains are hard, expensive, and unrealistic. He has a point, but what’s the solution?

CryptoCurrency : [Serious] Jimmy says Blockchains are hard, expensive, and unrealistic. He has a point, but what’s the solution?

Jimmy Song in his [blog]( outlines some major pitfalls of Blockchains:

* Development is stricter and slower
* Incentive structures are difficult to design
* Maintenance is very costly
* Allows easy access to malicious users
* All upgrades are voluntary, not necessary
* Scaling is really hard

Basically, if you’re building a DApp right now to solve today’s problems, you’re doing it wrong.

We can all agree that he has a point. Then why are we rushing towards building DApps instead of finding a solution to this core problem? We all saw what happened to Augur.

Sure, I know the tech is new — it will improve over time but I’m sorry to say I don’t see all these problems being solved in the next 4-5 years.

Imo a hybrid of centralization and decentralization could be a solution to this problem. So you build a hybrid app – keeping good parts of centralization and decentralization (if any right now) and when in the future if you see everything decentralizing, you simply switch your app to a DAPP.

This will also allow centralized users to use a decentralized app without even realizing it. Which has been the motive from the very beginning, right?

What do you guys think?

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Author: askmynametwice

Score: 5

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