
CryptoCurrency : Total Market Capitalization is $45,052,367,475 HIGHER than it was one year ago. HODL

CryptoCurrency : Total Market Capitalization is $45,052,367,475 HIGHER than it was one year ago. HODL

We’ve seen a lot of post lately of disenchanted investors & speculators. The fact is that startups and established companies are investing BIG money into crypto because it is the future. Why is it the future because it can save a ton of money and it can make keeping track of logistics, supply chains, finances, real estate etc… so much more efficiently than traditional practices. Cryptos can move money across the world faster than anything we’ve ever seen before and it can do it cheaper than we’ve ever experienced. Total Market Cap is roughly $45 Billion more than it was one year ago and we haven’t even seen ETF’s, major companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Exxon and CENTRAL BANKS, fully utilize these technologies but we are seeing more and more that these companies are putting together whole teams for this tech. We are early in the game my friends and we haven’t even seen the tip of the iceberg. Hold on for dear life.

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Author: swhichcoin

Score: 11

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