
CryptoCurrency : UChain-Technical Framework-Modules

CryptoCurrency : UChain-Technical Framework-Modules


**Basic service management module**

The basic service is deployed on all blockchain nodes to verify the validity of the service request and record a valid request after reaching consensus. For a new service request, the basic service adapts and analyzes the interface first and then performs authentication processing. After the transaction or contract is signed and encrypted, it is added to the block and broadcasted to achieve consensus between nodes. If consensus is achieved, it will be added to the next block.

**User Management module**

Our user management module is responsible for managing the identity information of all blockchain participants, including maintenance of public and private key generation, key storage management, and maintenance of the relationship between user’s real identity and their blockchain address. With authorization, it also supervises and audits certain transactions.

**Smart contract management module**

Our smart contract module is responsible for the registering of contracts and managing the trigger conditions and execution. After the user programs the contract and broadcasts it within the blockchain, the contract signed by both parties will be executed if the conditions written within, are met.

**Transaction mechanism**

A transaction is the activity of changing rights of assets or contracts. UChain has designed several types of transactions and all of them contain an input list, output list, signature list and transaction type related data. To create a new user issued asset, the user can define the type, name, total amount and the administrator account for specific assets. Creating assets requires consumption of a certain number of tokens as additional service charge.

• Contract transaction: specifies all participated transactions and can determine whether they are required to confirm acceptance according to asset type of each transaction. The counterparty may choose to accept (sign) or reject (ignore).

• Agency transaction: not specifying counterparty, but appointing an agent. This agent is responsible for matching the counterparty of each transaction. The “superconducting transaction” is achieved through this transaction type.

**The data structure of the superconducting transaction is as follows:**

public class Order // order ticket


public UInt256 AssetId; // Asset

public UInt256 ValueAssetId; // price unit

public UInt160 Agent; // agent

public Fixed8 Amount; // total transaction volume

public Fixed8 Price; // transaction price

public UInt160 Client; // client

public TransactionInput[] Inputs; // transaction input

public byte[][] Scripts; // signature list


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Author: uykusuztrader

Score: 5

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