
Ethereum : 🐧 Peepeth’s crowdfunding campaign is live! (for real this time; accepting ether, tokens, and credit card)

Ethereum update: 🐧 Peepeth’s crowdfunding campaign is live! (for real this time; accepting ether, tokens, and credit card)

Hey everyone,

[Peepeth]( creator here again. I’ve launched a new crowdfunding page for Peepeth (you can now support with ETH, tokens, or credit card, all on one page). Your support will help make Peepeth accessible to mainstream users.


Are you on [Peepeth]( yet? It’s a decentralized social network for those who value mindful, responsible engagement. It runs on Ethereum and IPFS, is ad-free, and encourages positive contribution through opinionated features. There are 2800+ users in the invite-only beta, with over 10k invite requests.

Your support will help make Peepeth much more accessible (free for all, no web3 provider required, a mobile app). With your help, Peepeth could become the first mainstream dapp.

Rewards include unique, customizable blockchain badges that give you superpowers (special features), and other fun & interesting perks. Corporate sponsorships are available too.

Thanks for everyone’s help in getting this far.

**[Support Peepeth 🐧🐧🐧](**

Bevan Barton, Peepeth founder

**ps. What happened to the Kickstarter?**

Thanks to everyone who supported the Kickstarter. Ultimately, I decided to cancel it. It was a worthwhile experiment, but the lack of an ETH option, uncertainty, fees, and lack of control make it not worth promoting alongside an ETH-accepting page. The [new page]( is a more appropriate solution for a community which already has a home and a native currency.

[Here is the original Kickstarter thread.](

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: madame_BOV

Score: 58

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