
Ethereum : Already +70k ETH in the PoWH3D contract. Can you imagine what will happen when other teams start building games on it? A gambling pandemic $P3D is a virus, targeting greed. 💡Heck, it might suck in all the artificial value of unnecessary shitcoins.💩

Ethereum update: Already +70k ETH in the PoWH3D contract. Can you imagine what will happen when other teams start building games on it? A gambling pandemic $P3D is a virus, targeting greed. 💡Heck, it might suck in all the artificial value of unnecessary shitcoins.💩

Already +70k ETH in the PoWH3D contract. Can you imagine what will happen when other teams start building games on it? A gambling pandemic $P3D is a virus, targeting greed. 💡Heck, it might suck in all the artificial value of unnecessary shitcoins.💩

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: CoinHODL

Score: 2

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