
Ethereum : ASUS ROG RX570 and incorrect shares

Ethereum update: ASUS ROG RX570 and incorrect shares

Hello. I have a problem with my mining rig. It has been running smoothly for about 6 months now, but recently I’ve noticed that my average hashrate dropped from 175 down to about 147. I checked the miner’s console and it seems that 1 GPU only gives incorrect shares. I tried resetting it to default clocks, then underclocking and it didn’t help. I checked the cables, switched the riser with an RX 580’s riser and it was still the 570 that was giving incorrect shares. So far in 2 days it hasn’t produced any shares that were accepted. Visually, the card looks and sounds fine, temperatures are good (~62°C).

Has anyone ever dealt with anything similar? Any recommendations on what my next troubleshooting step should be?

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: Lollerstakes

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