
Ethereum : Blockchain development setup for Ethereum !!! need help

Ethereum update: Blockchain development setup for Ethereum !!! need help

Hi all,

I need help to setup development environment for Ethereum blockchain on Windows.

The problem I am facing is that after downloading Mist browser when I start Mist.exe it asks for a new account and when I try to create a new one then it keep showing me the window ‘Generating account….’ forever. Also if I set Mist browser sync mode to ‘light’ then again it taking too much time and keep showing ‘connecting to block’ forever for sync-ing. Is there anything I am missing???

I am trying to setup a development env. (not a full blockchain node) on the following machine

Windows 7 RAM 4GB HDD 320GB (75GB 4 partition)

Please help!!!

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: AzadWarrior

Score: 1

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