
Ethereum : Can the second-layer solution resolve an current issue relating to a bug?

Ethereum update: Can the second-layer solution resolve an current issue relating to a bug?

First of all, I am a laymen and do not have a deep understanding in technology behind Ethereum.

My concern about Ethereum is that once a dApp is published on the Ethereum mainchain, there is no way to modify its codes. So,if there is serious bugs in a dApp, then the dApp developers can be in a big trouble (like the DAO team suffered).

I recently read that the second-layer solution will allow dApps to run on a second-layer sidechain. Does it mean that a dApp on a second-layer sidechain can be editable after publishing?



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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: honeysyd

Score: 3

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