
Ethereum : Clarity on a failed withdrawal (Bittrex)

Ethereum update: Clarity on a failed withdrawal (Bittrex)

Ok first up, I don’t expect to see the $14 of Ether again. That’s ok, I was an idiot and didn’t verify. That’s on me.

But while trying out metamask, I sent some eth there fine, sent it off to exitscam for a laugh. So far so good, 3 keys bought. I then wanted to send some more funds from bittrex to buy a few bits at an online retailer. I copy and paste the eth address from metamask to send it over from Bittrex, only because I am an idiot I selected the exitscam address which was still the one at the top of metamask, not my own address. I presume because I was looking at costs of sending to ES but did not buy any more keys.

Anyway, the tx from Bittrex fails because it ran out of gas ([here]( which to the best of my googling means that the funds return to Bittrex minus gas costs.

Bittrex however are insisting that they do *not* have control of the funds. I don’t care if I never get the Eth back, I do care that everything I’ve read online says Bittrex is lying to me. Am I right here or is there just a lot of wrong info about Ethereum on google?

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: wartywarlock

Score: 2

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