
Ethereum : Community Thinkathon for Settle – A crypto Professional’s platform – $500 ETH prize pool

Ethereum update: Community Thinkathon for Settle – A crypto Professional’s platform – $500 ETH prize pool

Settle is a platform for blockchain (ahem, ethereum) finance. Developers can deploy apps on Settle and earn a share of the subscription revenue when they are used. What type of app would be the ‘killer-app’ for the Settle platform?

We’re having a **thinkathon** for the whole ethereum community. All you have to do is submit your idea (as a 1-pager).

We will pick the best ideas and give their creators **$500 worth of ETH!** Submit the idea before the deadline, and if you are a developer, sign up for the hackathon coming up next month for a chance to win $5,000.

**How to submit?**

Use this form: [](

**Who is building Settle?**

If you visit ethtrader regularly, you likely know Terrible Token Tuesdays from ConcourseQ. The same team behind ConcourseQ is building Settle. We believe in the decentralization metaproject and are building Settle to bring ethereum to the world. ConcourseQ does not collect any revenue, but we hope Settle will.


**Great, I love this, how else can I get involved?**

Check out our website: []( Even if you can’t code, chat is an enormous part of the Settle platform. We are currently accepting applications for people that want to run Chat Hubs at launch. You can find a link to the applications on the homepage!


**What does Settle look like?**


**Want to know more about apps on Settle:**

The best place to learn about apps on Settle is the [**Settle Developers Page**]( Hear you will learn how easy it is to deploy apps on Settle and also many ideas for what types of apps might work on Settle.


1st — $300 of ETH

2nd — $150 of ETH.

3rd — $50 of ETH.

Full rules here: [](

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: BuddhaSpader

Score: 6

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