
Ethereum : “Ethereum…can employ the decentralized architecture that can protect and authenticate data and “address the evils of the Google Age: porous Internet security, unmoored money, regulatory overreach, network concentration, officious delays, and diminishing returns of big data.” [The National Review]

Ethereum update: “Ethereum…can employ the decentralized architecture that can protect and authenticate data and “address the evils of the Google Age: porous Internet security, unmoored money, regulatory overreach, network concentration, officious delays, and diminishing returns of big data.” [The National Review]

“Ethereum…can employ the decentralized architecture that can protect and authenticate data and “address the evils of the Google Age: porous Internet security, unmoored money, regulatory overreach, network concentration, officious delays, and diminishing returns of big data.” [The National Review]

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About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: twigwam

Score: 511

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