
Ethereum : Ethereum Projects at HackTheNorth

Ethereum update: Ethereum Projects at HackTheNorth

[HackTheNorth]( is one of the largest hackathons around with over 1000 students competing. I’ve been on site mentoring as a [Google Developer Expert]( and [Codefresh]( evangelist.

I’ve talked to lots of teams doing work on the blockchain and **every single one is building on ethereum**.

To share two highlights:

[This team]( built a proof-of-vaccination dapp using smart contracts to keep records private unless the user authorizes a 3rd party to access the records.

[Another team]( built a dapp for handling charity contributions with several layers of smart contracts. One, contributors can track where their money goes, and how it’s spent, and two the community has a voting system they can use to prioritize where their funds go.

The excitement from these teams to build on ethereum is amazing and many said the easiest part of their projects has been working with Ethereum. There are several other projects using Ethereum at HackTheNorth, maybe we’ll hear more about them soon! 😎

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: todaywasawesome

Score: 30

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