
Ethereum : Finding Satoshi Nakamoto: Team of private detectives to set out on a global quest for Bitcoin daddy

Ethereum update: Finding Satoshi Nakamoto: Team of private detectives to set out on a global quest for Bitcoin daddy

The group of individuals is now searching for support through [Boomstarter]( with the intention to find the man behind [Bitcoin’s creator]( They want to gather $236,000 dollars in order to start searching for him.

German Neff, Estonian citizen, filed the application that aims to attract the best detectives from international detective agencies, including Goro Kayama from Japan, the New York Intelligence Agency from the US, Private Detective London from the UK and Osobka from Russia.

Those individuals that are searching for Satoshi explained that if he does not want to be publicly famous, they will not bother him. But of course, who would not like to talk with Satoshi Nakamoto?

Vitalik, we want to know your oppinion. Please.


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Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

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