
Ethereum : Go Ethereum public discord server

Ethereum update: Go Ethereum public discord server

Hey all!

I’d really like for the Geth team to have a public presence again after the Ethereum Foundation moved off of Gitter a while back, so we’ve set up a Discord server for anyone to join. For now, consider it an experiment for a few weeks until we see how things turn out. Ideally I’d expect a much greater developer involvement in community affairs given that our everyday work environment is Discord too.

Using Discord instead of Gitter also allows us to have a single dedicated forum for all Go Ethereum related questions and issues, but at the same time permits us to have multiple channels to keep discussions in scope and generally more scalable for everyone. We ourselves are figuring this out as we go along, so suggestions and feedback are very welcome!

See you at the other side: [](

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: karalabe

Score: 6

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