
Ethereum : Help needed with the implementation of certain features on Crypto-For-Science

Ethereum update: Help needed with the implementation of certain features on Crypto-For-Science

Hey! My short name is Laur – entrepreneur, small-time inv3stor into stocks and cryptocurrencies with high risk/reward ratios, and passionate about research into health-span extension and cognitive improvement.

Please check out what Crypto For Science (CFS) does, here:

Cryptocurrencies will improve the world on many fronts; for example, out of $7,871,530 received in funding by the SENS Research Foundation in 2017, 59% was transmited through cryptocurrency.

I do realize that the majority will not donate while ETH is below the psychological barrier of $1,000, therefore I’m not trying to promote CFS to researchers yet. But maybe meanwhile we could get some developers helping with its improvement, from time to time, in their spare time?

The main issues that would benefit help right now are:

– reviewing the code quality of features that have been implemented by others (they’re marked with “ready for review” here:

– completing the “Perpetual campaigns” feature:


Unrelated, [Victor Bjoerk]( has been running a full month campaign for his birthday, where 100% of the proceedings go to the SENS Research Foundation. From what I understand, on Facebook there aren’t any platform fees. Can we help him get to his objective… today? This is his campaign: If more successful, he’s very likely to start doing these campaigns monthly, and he keeps them updated with quality content regarding health-span extension, which helps promote awareness in the field. To quote what SENS does:

> SENS Research Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity that is transforming the way the world researches and treats age-related disease.

> The research we fund at universities around the world and at our own Research Center uses regenerative medicine to repair the damage underlying the diseases of aging. Our goal is to help build the industry that will cure these diseases.

Basically, they try to prolong healthy life in humans as much as possible, because the current approach of treatment instead of prevention sucks.


Both projects will lead eventually to healthier and more enjoyable lives for everybody.

View the link

About Ethereum

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.

Author: laurbyteball

Score: 17

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